Posted by Ben Winder on
Hurly Burly 3, the complete 2018 downhill World Cup and Championships yearbook, is officially on sale now.
Following a breakthrough season of UCI World Cup and Championships racing that saw fresh faces atop many podiums, we are excited to launch our third yearbook, Hurly Burly 3.
From its sunny start in Croatia to a nail biting end in Switzerland, including its every story in-between, Hurly Burly 3 captures the entire 2018 UCI DH season in exceptional photography and detailed writing across 220 pages of high quality print.
The book features seven World Cup rounds and one World Championships, covered in detailed reports written by some of the sport’s most prominent observers. All this is illustrated with some of the best images of the season, captured by our photographers Sven Martin, Sebastian Schieck and Boris Beyer. Alongside the reporting there are round-by-round results and standings sheets and eight side features and CathroVision columns that dissect the season and its stars.
Hurly Burly is produced and printed in the UK by a dedicated editorial team with decades of experience in the field. For 2018, long-term Dirt Magazine editor Mike Rose joined the production crew, as did photographer-film maker Ben Winder. The book is published by Misspent Summers.
We had a lot of fun reliving the season while compiling the book and hope you will enjoy going back through all the action as much as we did.
The book costs £15 plus £2 postage and packaging for UK or £5 for overseas. Please see the purchase page on our website for delivery times – early order recommended for Christmas.
Get your copy at now.
For 2018, long-term Dirt Magazine editor Mike Rose joined us for the production of the book. Rose’s 15 years of experience editing the world’s foremost gravity MTB publication, as well as his expertise as a ground-breaking OG photographer on the World Cup circuit, made him the perfect addition to help progress the product. Also joining the party was Ben Winder, who followed the WC circuit in 2018 as a team filmmaker and photographer and worked tirelessly alongside Rose as assistant photo editor.
Editorial Team
James McKnight – Editor, Publisher
Mike Rose – Senior Editor
Chris Jones – Design
Ben Winder – Assistant Editor
Research – Morgane Charre
Key Photographers
Sven Martin, Sebastian Schieck, Boris Beyer
Ric McLaughlin, Chris Kilmurray, James Smurthwaite, Kent Huffman, Alan Milway, Martin Whiteley, John Parkin, Ben Cathro, Stuart Leel, Lauren Jenkins, Paul Aston
A huge thank you to the following companies who believe in our product and the importance of recording every WC DH season in paper and ink.
Scott Sports
YT Industries
Santa Cruz Bicycles
Hope Technology
GT Bikes
Fox Racing Shox