Do you dig it? Oh yes you do.
If you are a keen trail builder, just starting out or simply loved our Tea & Biscuits film, you need to get yourself one of these limited edition BTR x Tea & Biscuits Trail Tools.
BTR’s Trail Tool sets the benchmark for mountain bike trail building kit. It has become one of, if not the most popular MTB trail tools for good reason: its construction has been honed over time and stands up to endless digging and tamping; its finish ensures it won’t rust; it has a range of fine details such as a cutting edge and a handy hole to lock it to a tree so you can leave it in the woods; its long handle is tough and just right for building and shaping the best features in any forest or on any mountain.
Here’s what BTR Fabrications says about the Trail Tool:
“Raking, chopping, digging, packing down… We haven’t found anything more versatile than the Trail Tool™! It’s a tough tool, built to last – its 30mm diameter handle too. Oh, and those holes are for locking it to a tree so you can leave it trailside for next time.”
“Raking, chopping, digging, packing down… We haven’t found anything more versatile than the Trail Tool™! It’s a tough tool, built to last – its 30mm diameter handle too. Oh, and those holes are for locking it to a tree so you can leave it trailside for next time.”
On top of that, the BTR Trail Tool is the preferred digging tool of big timers such as Kade Edwards, Tahnée Seagrave and a whole host of pro riders. Maybe even Alan Titchmarsh too. Plus, some of the UK’s biggest track building companies use them — for example Back on Track Trail Design Specialists (BikePark Wales, Forest of Dean, etc.).
The Tea & Biscuits limited edition tool has a special T&B metal plate. We made these for people involved in the making of the film and had a few left over (10 total), so order one and own a piece of mountain biking history while helping give us some momentum as we look towards T&B2…